CAMLP Curriculm

  • August

    Participants will engage in four informational sessions covering the topics of misinformation and disinformation, specifically:

    1. What are misinformation and disinformation?

    2. Finding and Citing Credible Sources

    3. Research Methods and Journalism

    4. Content Creation

  • September

    With their recently gained knowledge, participants will work on a final project of their own design, creating their own piece of journalistic media. CAMLP will provide two mandatory mentorship sessions to help participants brainstorm and develop their project, as well as several office hours if additional support is needed.

  • October

    Finally, participants will present their final project to members of their community, both showcasing the finished project itself and also highlighting the techniques used to ensure that it was accurate and effective. CAMLP will provide additional guidance for presenting and host a closing ceremony in early November.

Eligibility Requirements

  • 16-22 years old

  • From one of the following Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, or Turkmenistan

  • Be able to commit to four weekly trainings during the month of August, as well as meetings in September and October 2024

  • Have basic knowledge of English

  • Access to internet

Regarding the last item, the Central Asia Media Literacy project team is able to provide transportation stipends to participants who need to travel to coffee shops, libraries, or American spaces to access the internet. Applicants who think they may require a technology stipend should indicate this in their application

Apply Now

The application consists of several short response questions and a brief audio response to be submitted through a google form. Through it, we hope to identify your interest in the program and learn how you intend to make the most of it, so that we can better execute the program to help you reach those goals!

The application for this year has now closed.